Thursday, May 27, 2010

Computers, Books, and Hacking

Those are just a few of the fun jobs that come with being a librarian. As a reference librarians and the only IT support in our library, it is exceptionally funny when I use utilities to hack into our patron computers. You wouldn't believe how many times I tell someone, you shouldn't be on that site, and they are saying, "Whut site?"

Then I give my evil grin and click the tab they were looking at a few minutes ago and say, "I have eyes in the back of my head."

Awe the joys of librarianhood. Of course it doesn't save me from those idiotic people that don't know how to use their computer, aka my assistants. It's annoying when they come up with a patron while I'm busy fixing a computer or looking a grants and they say, "Could you help this guy, he needs to.... blah blah blah."

Uh can't you see I'm busy?! is what I'm thinking, but I say, "Sure."

Librarianhood is one of those things you got to love...

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