Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Printer Jam

Lets talk about those patrons that print a bajillion pages and the print gets stuck in our printer. Well considering... like I've said before. I'm the ONLY IT specialist there and it's a pain because I have to help the Director with reports and, ya'da, ya'da, ya'da. So the assistant librarians come crying to me when the blockbuster sized printer goes down.


Whining Assistant: 'Hey Ref, can you come help us?'

"Whats up?" (I'm Ref. just so you know, if you couldn't tell.)

"Well... you see... uh... *in a mumble* the printer jammed again."

I slowly stand up over the pile of reference books, papers, and news articles needing to be organized and whatever else is taking up my precious time. Slowly the assistants shrink back as I ask slowly, "What. Happened. Again?"

"Sorry, Ref, but the printer jammed again."

I give them a scalding glare and fum my way out of the reference area, down the hall, and to the computer lab. There ten people start asking me questions. I say, "Busy.", "Don't care", "Ask my assistants." (Mean I know, but when you're fuming you don't really care.)

Finally get to the printer, open it up, and suddenly smoke starts coming out. "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON THERE!!!!"

Turn to assistants, cowering as they say, "We tried to fix it..."

With a sigh, I get down to business, which includes taking a fire extinguisher to it, and then scalding my hand as I pull out wades of burnt and crumpled paper. Close it up, get it moving again, and go back to the cave of my reference desk without a word to the horrified patrons.

I wonder if that's why no ones been using the computer lately? *evil grin*

You got to love Librarian-Hood...

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