Friday, June 25, 2010


*Hitching coat* Yup, that's right, that's my new nickname thanks to the new assistant Mr. Clean. I feel like Mulder off of X-Files. (For those out there that don't know it, his nickname was Spook.) I want to get a name tag that says that. But your probably wondering how it is I got that nickname.

Well for the past week I've put all my skills into Mr. Clean's own prank. Like I've said before in our library we have an initiation scare and no one else had the guts to try it. (Call me stupid, or I just plan have a death wish, but I had to try and scare this ex-military.) All week, I've been trying to sneak up on him to no avail. (This guy has ears like a bat, I got to tell you.) It *finally* happened today, I'm feeling really high and mighty.

Anyhoo, it was when we were in the back shuffle room, and it was just him. So with ever increasing care, and thanks to the honking loud book sorting machine, I sneaked up on him. Of course I made it look like I needed his help with a file and he literally jumped a mile high and let out a stream of cuss words that would have made a sailor blush. (I'm not sure if he was one. I still haven't had a chance to sneak into the 'confidential' files.) He sure was angry and I thought he was going to give me a nice smack or more likely knuckle punch or upper cut *as all the guys like to call them*. Thankfully he refrained from doing so.

So when he finally came out of the shuffling room in the back, still beet red with embarrassment at having been caught at his own game. Mr Clean said, "Hey Spook how you doing?"

All the assistants were a bit confused until he tapped me on the shoulder and I said, "Fine."

(That's probably when I realized he was talking to me.) So now all the assistants are calling me Spook. I got to say, I'm loving it. Though all the patrons keep giving my assistants a funny look when they call me that.

You got to love Librarian-Hood...

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